Restroom Project Update

Outstanding job by everyone. The team is pausing the project to let winter pass. Looks great and we are on schedule for completion in spring of 2025. A Portapotty has been setup and will be available during the Annual Sturgeon Spearing Season. We Thank everyone for their support towards getting this project underway for everyone using the landing.
We have been awarded a grant to server you better!
We are very proud to announce that Fisherman's Road Fishing Club through the town of Taycheedah has received a grant from Wisconsin DNR's Recreational Boating Fund. The grant will cover half the cost of reconstructing the restroom and resurfacing the parking lot at the Fisherman's Road boat launch.
3 Ways to Obtain Your Boat Sticker
Attention Existing and New Members of FRFC
There are three ways to obtain your boat launch trailer decals.
Available at Pike Express
Attend a monthly meeting
Send a self addressed stamped envelope along with your $25 membership fee to:
Fisherman's Road Fishing Club
Fond du lac, WI 54936
Winnebago Alliance Meeting
Lake Winnebago 2022 Trawling Results
It would appear the 2022 walleye spawn is the 3rd highest recorded since trawling started in 1985. An average spawn results of 5-7 Young of the Year (YOY} are captured each time the trawl net is pulled. This years average was 17.4. Trout perch, a 4” forage species was an all time high population. There were possibly 3 Gizzard Shad hatches. Yellow Perch YDY numbers are extremely high as well.

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
2023 Lake Winnebago Bottom Trawling Assessment Report
Waterbody Code 131100
Angelo Cozzola, DNR Senior Fisheries Biologist, Dec. 20, 2023
The Lake Winnebago bottom trawl survey is one of the most insightful fisheries assessments on the system. The survey, in its modern capacity, dates back to 1986, providing a lengthy time series of catch data for comparison over the years. This allows readers to compare species abundance of the past and present, as well as the outlook for future years through the comparison of annual year class strengths. The main objectives of this report include the assessment of year class strength for gamefish, non-gamefish and panfish species, relative abundance of forge fish species, and general population trends of adult gamefish and non-gamefish species. The 2023 trawl survey was completed utilizing a team of fisheries management and operations staff as well as our typical volunteer assistance. We had 33 different volunteers out on the RV Calumet this year. Volunteers throughout the surrounding area continue to be a major asset to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' (DNR) Oshkosh fisheries crew in the completion of this survey.

The Lake Winnebago bottom trawling assessment has been conducted with the same standardized method for the last 38 years. This involves a total of 138 net pulls split up into three sampling events. We conduct 46 net pulls during the first week of August, September and October. An average day on the trawl consists of 10-12 net pulls (about 8 hours on the boat). The 27-foot-wide trawl net is deployed behind the boat and pulled along the bottom of the lake at 4 miles per hour (mph) for 5 minutes. When the net is pulled in, the fish are emptied onto the counting table, and the trawling crew counts the fish and separates the gamefish and panfish into a holding tank where they get measured and released. The long-term data set from the survey allows for the comparison of year class strength and adult fish relative abundance over the past 37 years, giving fisheries managers and interested anglers insight on the status of the Winnebago fishery.
Walleye Sonic Tags in 2021
74 Walleyes had 3 year sonic transmitters surgically implanted. In addition, 25 sonic recievers were placed in Lake Winnebago. Walleye’s for Tommorrow is paying a $100 reward for notification by anglers catching a sonic tagged walleye. So far 24 have been caught. 8 were kept and the recievers returned to the DNR. There are 2 years of life left on these and they will be implanted in walleye on the upper Fox River to monitor their movement. The reward program will run for the 3 year life of the tags.
Letter from the Winnebago System Gamefish Biologist
The fisheries management team covering the Winnebago System will be conducting a fish passage study this spring. Fish will be netted and given a PIT tag, a small pill shaped object (photo 1), that will give the fish a unique ID number. The netting location and date, species, size, and sex of the fish is linked with the unique ID number. Fish can be scanned for a PIT tag with a handheld reader as well as in water arrays that will log fish detections over time in a stationary location. By strategically placing our PIT tag detecting arrays we can document fish movement over time, giving us insight on fish habitat use, seasonal movement trends, and potentially identify areas that may restrict fish passage.
Our spring project of 2023 will be focused on the Fond Du Lac River as well as Van Dyne Creek. There will be netting locations in Supple Marsh, the mouth of the Fond Du Lac River, below and above the Eldorado Marsh dam, and the mouth of Van Dyne Creek. Below is a map displaying netting locations and PIT array locations (figure 1 & 2). There are two types of arrays we install, submersible disc arrays (photo 2 & 3) and Litz cord arrays (photo 4). The arrays will be installed prior to netting efforts likely in mid-March and will be monitored weekly to bi-weekly until they are removed around the end of June. The submersible disc arrays are completely submerged in the stream and anchored to the sediment. The Litz cord arrays run the entire length of the stream and also have a out of water portion consisting of a green utility box and its associated cord.
This project will provide resource managers with information on how Winnebago System fish utilize these areas. It you have any questions on our 2023 project please give me a call at the number below.
Angelo Cozzola
Winnebago System Gamefish Biologist
Fisheries Management Bureau/Division of Fish, Wildlife and Parks
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
(920) 410-9170, angelo.cozzola@wisconsin.gov